Definition of Electrical Inspection
Electrical inspection is a visual or analytical process for verifying the physical condition of an electrical system or component. This usually involves direct observation to assess whether something meets established standards or specifications. While the definition of electrical testing is a more technical and quantitative process that involves measuring or evaluating the performance of a system or component under specified conditions. This often involves the use of tools and methods to obtain numerical data. – Omazaki Consultant is a consultant that provides electrical installation inspection or checking services for electrical systems and equipment for building and industrial facilities. We provide electrical testing and inspection services for commissioning, predictive maintenance, electrical troubleshooting, or electrical system audit and assessment. Contact us in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, if you need electrical system installation and equipment inspection services by sending an email to or filling out the form at contact.
Purpose of Electrical Testing and Inspection
Electrical inspection and testing is a comprehensive evaluation process of electrical systems to ensure that installations, equipment, and systems meet the requirements and compliance with technical standards that have been set nationally and internationally. Electrical inspection aims to prevent electrical accidents, improve energy efficiency, and ensure the reliability of electrical systems.
Electrical Inspection and Testing Methods
There are at least 3 (three) methods of checking and testing electrical systems or equipment, including:
1. Visual inspection
Seeing directly the materials, equipment and construction of the installed electrical installation, with the naked eye and without using any tools or equipment.
2. Inspection and testing of live conditions
Which cannot be seen with the naked eye, on materials, goods, tools or construction that have been installed in the installation, and all are carried out when the electrical equipment or installation is in a live condition.
3. Dead test and inspection
Which cannot be seen with the naked eye, on materials, goods, tools or construction that have been installed in the installation, and all are carried out when the electrical equipment or installation is in a dead condition.
Types of Electrical Inspections & Tests
Types of electrical inspection and testing include:
- Infrared thermography inspection
- Grounding and earthing system inspection and testing
- Lightning protection installation inspection
- Power quality inspection and measurement
- Electrical safety inspection
- Insulation resistance testing
- Circuit breaker timing test
- and others
Reference Regulation and Standards
Indonesia Regulation and Standards
- Permen ESDM
- Permenaker No. 12 tahun 2015 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Listrik di Tempat Kerja
- SNI 0225-2: 2020 – Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik (PUIL) 2020
- and so on
International and Other Country Standards
- IEC 60079-17 Explosive atmospheres – Part 17: Electrical installations inspection and maintenance
- ANSI/NETA MTS-2019 Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems
- NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
- and others
Contact Omazaki Consultant if you need electrical system installation inspection or check electrical systems testing for commissioning purpose, or your existing power system electrical distribution and equipment.