Energy Audit Consulting Services
Omazaki Group, through the Omazaki Consultant business unit is an industrial and building energy audit consultants company in Indonesia. In addition to energy audit consulting services, we also provide other energy consulting services such as energy assessments and energy surveys for whole areas in Indonesia. We are supported by certified energy auditors and energy managers from internal resources as well as by our strategic partners who are experienced in energy auditing. Energy audit service users are the majority coming from the manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical, commercial buildings (hotel, apartment, office or office building) sector and government offices. Our superior energy auditing service is industrial and building electricity audit or electrical energy audits. The standards we use include Indonesian National Standards (such as SNI 6196), ISO 50002 on energy audits and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), as well as other standards. Our firm location is indeed in BSD, South Tangerang, Banten province, but we are ready to serve the demand for energy auditing services from all regions in Indonesia.
Energy Audit Definition
According to ISO 50002 : 2014, energy audit is defined as a systematic analysis of energy use and energy consumption within a defined energy audit scope, in order to identify, quantify and report on the opportunities for improved energy performance.
Purpose of Energy Audits
The objectives of an energy audit can vary from one industry to another. However, energy audits are usually conducted to understand how energy is used within the plant and to find opportunities for improvement and energy saving. Sometimes, energy audits are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an energy saving project or program.
Energy Audit Types
ISO 50002 divides the energy audit type into 3 (three) level, i.e.
Level 1
Defines a minimum level of detail for an audit
Level 2
Defines a more detailed level of audit
Level 3
Defines a comprehensive audit to quantify capital expenditures
The above are not absolute requirements. Organizations may adjust the level of detail of the energy audit between 1-3 to suit the needs of the organization. Level 1 represents a description of the level of minimum detail for an activity worthy of being called an energy audit.
Energy surveys such as short site walk-through or simple analyzes of monthly energy bills are preliminary activities that may be carried out before the audit, but should not be referred to as energy audits.
Several other standards categorize energy audits into walk-through energy audits, preliminary energy audits, and detailed energy audits.
Energy Audit Process Flowchart Based on ISO 50002
Our Audit Energy Consultancy Services Scope
Supported by experienced energy auditors, our audit consulting services include:
- Industrial energy audit
- Building energy audit
The scope of industrial energy audit consulting services includes:
- Electricity System
- Diesel-Generator System
- Steam Boiler and Distribution Systems
- Process Integration System
- Chiller and Cooling Tower System
- Pump System
- Energy Management Systems
Typical Deliverables
Energy auditing service final report which contains:
- Technical analysis
- Summary and analysis of energy uses and energy consumption
- Description and analysis of opportunities for increasing energy performance and ranking
- Techno-economical analysis
- Recommended programs for implementation
Energy Auditing Regulations and Reference Standards
- Republic of Indonesia Law No.30 of 2007 concerning Energy
- Indonesian Government Regulation No. 70 of 2009
- ESDM Ministerial Regulation No.14 of 2012 concerning Energy Management
- Minister of Environment Regulation No. 03 of 2014 concerning the Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management (PROPER)
- ISO 50001: 2018 Energy Management System
- ISO 50002: 2014 Energy Audit
- SNI 6196: 2011 concerning Energy Audit Procedures in Buildings
- PMBOK – Project Management Body of Knowledge
For requests for presentations or further explanation especially industrial or building electrical energy audit consulting or auditing services from certified audits consultants firm (company) in Indonesia, please contact us by filling out the form in at Contact.